Events - Details

L. K. Horvath: Gendergerechte_re Sprache

Guest lecture

Dr. Lisa K. Horvath (Graz): "Gendergerechte_re Sprache"

Gender-neutral language is a polarizing topic: For some people it is an important instrument for equalization, for others it´s a complicated and unnecessary untertaking. This lecture shows the potential impact of a more gender-neutral language and how it influences our thoughts and actions; it also discusses the loss of potential through the use of a generic masculine for the sake of simplicity. With a special focus on science based on contemporary research results it will be shown, why women and men will for example more probably apply for a project management position advertised gender-neutrally as compared to the masculine form only. It will subsequently be discussed what gender-neutral language can achieve in science.

Wednesday, October 10th 2018, 09:30–10:30, Theologicum, Room  -1.113 (Auditorium)

The lecture is open to members of the Collaborative Research Centre 1136 as well as students of the Faculties of Theology and Philosohy. No prior application is necessary.


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