Research - B Interpretations

Project Area B: Interpretations

Many religious communities relate their practises to scriptures considered holy. Nonetheless, these texts require interpretation, and which methods to choose can become precarious as soon as the legitimacy of non-religions techniques of interpretation is called into question. In the Mediterranean, interpretive methods of Hellenic origin coexisted with Jewish and Christian hermeneutics. Encounters, conflicts and efforts of demarcations lead to new or more defined text genres, forms and methods of interpretation, which could indeed culminate in new syntheses. In this process, dealing with holy scriptures called for educated authors – as well as addressees who themselves already required a certain amount of education in order to be able to receive this kind of religious teaching.

  • B 01 Scriptural Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran)

    Old Testament
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Reinhard G. Kratz
    Research Fellows: Laura Schimmelpfennig, Dr. Peter Porzig, Clemens Steinberger

    Scriptural Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran)

    Sub-project B 01 deals with Biblical exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The focus is on the pescharim (pNahum, pJesaja, pPsalmen) and aims at answering four research questions: 1) what is the place of the pescharim commentaries in relation to the interpretation going on in the literary development of the relevant Biblical books; 2) how do they compare to further exegetical literature in Qumran; 3) how do they fit in against the background of Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic educational traditions and commentaries, and 4) what is the institutional framework for transmitting the exegetical works as part of general education?

    Selected Publications

    • Kratz, R. G. (2018), Religiöse Bildung in der Hebräischen Bibel und in den Texten vom Toten Meer. Eine Gedenkrede zu den Novemberpogromen von 1938, in: P. Gemeinhardt / I. Tanaseanu-Döbler (eds.), „Das Paradies ist ein Hörsaal für die Seelen“. Institutionen religiöser Bildung in historischer Perspektive, Tübingen, 51–67.
    • Kratz, R. G. (2017), Die prophetische Literatur, in: H.-J. Simm (ed.), Aspekte der Bibel. Themen - Figuren - Motive, Freiburg, 242-259.
    • Schimmelpfennig, L. V. / Kratz, R. G. (2019, eds.), Zahlen- und Buchstabensysteme im Dienste religiöser Bildung, Tübingen.
    • Schimmelpfennig, L. V. (2019), Wechselspiel zwischen Zahlen und Buchstaben. Akrostichie im masoretischen Psalter am Beispiel der Psalmen 9/10 und 145, in: L. V. Schimmelpfennig / R. G. Kratz (eds.), Zahlen- und Buchstabensysteme im Dienste religiöser Bildung, Tübingen.
  • B 02 Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters

    New Testament
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Florian Wilk
    Research Fellows: Konrad Otto, Dr. Dr. Loïc Berge, Christina Bünger, Dr. Eduard Käfer, J. Andrew Cowan Ph.D.

    Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters

    The aim of this project is to understand Paul’s use and exegesis of the “Scriptures” – and especially of the Moses-exodus-tradition – in his letters to the Corinthians as a process of religious education. To this end, the scriptural references are to be identified, categorized and analyzed with regard to their presuppositions, their place in Paul’s arguments and their relationship to other interpretations of the time. In this way it can be ascertained what the addressees are taught about the authority and the content of “Scripture” and about the ways of reading it – and how this process helps them in defining their religious identity.

    Selected Publications

    • Wilk, F. (2019, ed.), Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion. In Memory of Hans Conzelmann, Leiden / Boston.
    • Wilk, F. (2019), Schriftauslegung als Bildungsvorgang im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus – untersucht ausgehend von 1Kor 4,6, in: F. Wilk (ed.), Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion. In Memory of Hans Conzelmann, Leiden / Boston, 88–111.
    • Wilk, F. (2019), Durch Schriftkenntnis zur Vollkommenheit. Zur Funktion des vielgestaltigen Schriftgebrauchs in 1Kor 2,6–16 und 14,20–25, in: Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 110, 21–41.
    • Wilk, F. (2017), Bezüge auf „die Schriften“ in den Korintherbriefen; in: F. Wilk / M. Öhler (eds.), Paulinische Schriftrezeption. Grundlagen – Ausprägungen – Wirkungen – Wertungen, Göttingen, 149–173.
    • Wilk, F. / Öhler, M. (eds.) (2017), Paulinische Schriftrezeption. Grundlagen - Ausprägungen - Wirkungen - wertungen, FRLANT 268, Göttingen.
    • Wilk, F. / Gemeinhardt, P. (eds.) (2016), Transmission and Interpretation of the Book of Isaiah in the Context of Intra- and Interreligious Debates, BEThL 280, Leuven u.a.
  • B 04 Scriptural Exegesis and Religious Polemics in Syriac Texts in Late Antiquity

    Christian Oriental Studies
    Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Dmitrij Bumazhnov
    Research Fellow: Sofia Fomicheva

    Scriptural Exegesis and Religious Polemics in Syriac Texts in Late Antiquity

    The sub-project investigates possible interrelations between biblical exegesis (Ephrem the Syrian, Theodore of Mopsuestia) and anti-Jewish polemics (Aphrahat, Isaac of Antioch, Narsai and others) mainly in the East Syriac Christian literature (4th–6th centuries). Moreover, it deals with the relevance of these two text categories for Christian polemics in Syriac against Islam in 7th–8th century (especially in Theodore bar Konai as well as in anti-Islamic apocalypses, apologies, and historiographical writings).

    Selected Publications

    • Bumazhnov, D. F. (in print), Jewish-Christian Anti-Paulinism and Merkabah Mysticism around the School of Edessa/Nisibis. Narsai’s Polemics against Deniers of Biblical Studies in Context, in: A.M. Butts / K. Heal / Robert Kitchen (eds.), Narsai: Rethinking His Work and His World, Tübingen.
    • Bumazhnov, D. (Transl.) (in print), Narsai’s Memra „Against the Jews“, in: A.M. Butts, K. Heal, R. Kitchen (eds.), Narsai: The Homilies, Reihe: The Fathers of the Church, Washington D.C.
    • Bumazhnov, D. F.(2019a), Inanspruchnahme von dem syrischen und griechischen Alphabet in der christlichen Polemik gegen die Juden und Heiden im Traktat „Über das Mysterium der Buchstaben“ des Ps.-Sabas, in: L. V. Schimmelpfennig / R. G. Kratz (eds.), Zahlen‐und Buchstabensysteme im Dienste religiöser Bildung, Tübingen.
    • Bumazhnov, D. F.(2018), Zwischen Schule und Schweigen. Der hl. Isaak von Ninive und die ostsyrischen „Schulphilosophen“, in: P. Gemeinhardt / I. Tanaseanu-Döbler (eds.), „Das Paradies ist ein Hörsaal für die Seelen“. Institutionen religiöser Bildung in historischer Perspektive, Tübingen, 201–219.
    • Bumazhnov, D. F. (2016), Erkenntnis der Wahrheit als absolutes Ende religiöser Polemik. Irenische Theologie des Dionysos Areopagita bei Isaak von Ninive, in: D.W. Winkler (ed.), Syrische Studien. Beiträge zum 8. Deutschen Syrologie-Symposium in Salzburg 2014, orientalia - patristica - oecumenica 10, Wien, 33-40.
    • Bumazhnov, D. F. (2016), Die Wahrnehmung des christlichen Westens im christlichen Orient am Beispiel der Kirche des Ostens (die sog. Nestorianer) in der sasanidischen und frühislamischen Zeit, in: Carola Föller, Fabian Schulz (eds.), Osten und Westen 400-600 n. Chr. - Kommunikation, Kooperation und Konflikt, (Roma Aeterna 4), Stuttgart, 117-132.
    • Bumazhnov, D. / Fomicheva, S.(2019), Der Memra des Narsai „Gegen die Juden“. Einleitung und russische Übersetzung, in: Богословскиетруды49, 2019 (russian).
    • Fomicheva, S.(2018), Educational Background of Mar Narsai. Between the ‟Tradition of the School” and Theodore of Mopsuestia’s Exegesis, in: P. Bruns / T. Kremer (eds.), Studia Syriaca. Beiträge des IX. Deutschen Syrologentages in Eichstätt 2016, Wiesbaden, 61–69.
  • B 05 Scriptural Exegesis and Educational Traditions in Coptic-Speaking Egyptian Christianity in Late Antiquity: Shenoute, Canon 6

    Egyptology / Coptology
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Heike Behlmer
    Research Fellow: So Miyagawa, Julien Delhez

    Scriptural Exegesis and Educational Traditions in Coptic-Speaking Egyptian Christianity in Late Antiquity: Shenoute, Canon 6

    The project examines the reception and the exegesis of the Bible in texts from Egypt's cenobitic monasticism, with a focus on the works of the abbot Shenoute († 465). The aim of the study is fourfold: to explore the exegetical and rhetorical strategies of the abbot, in particular, the grammar and pragmatics of biblical quotations, to understand the relationship between author and recipients, to analyse their respective level of education and to trace the interaction between Christian, Ancient Egyptian and Classical/Hellenistic educational traditions in Shenoute’s exegetical practice.

    Selected Publications)

    • Behlmer, H.(in print), Schenute. In: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum.
    • Behlmer, H.(in print), „Ein ängstliches und zaghaftes Wesen, seine Schriften farblos und nichtssagend ...": Der ägyptische Klosterabt und Schriftsteller Besa († nach 474) und sein Werk, in: M. Tamcke (ed.), Profile gelebter Theologie im Orient, Wiesbaden.
    • Behlmer, H. (2017), Differentiating Lexical Borrowing according to Semantic Fields and Text Types - A Case Study. In: Eitan Grossman, Peter Dils, Tonio Sebastian Richter & Wolfgang Schenkel (eds.), Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language (DDGLC Working Papers 1), Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 17, Hamburg, 457-478.
    • Miyagawa, S. / Behlmer, H. / Büchler, M. (in print), Computational Analysis of Text Reuse/Intertextuality: The Example of Shenoute Canon 6, in: H. N. Takla u.a. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leuven.
    • Miyagawa, S. / Zeldes, A. / Büchler, M. / Behlmer, H. / Griffitts, T. (2018), Building Linguistically and Intertextually Tagged Coptic Corpora with Open Source Tools, in: C. Suzuki (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, Tokyo, 139–41.
    • Miyagawa, S.(2018), Textkorpus und grammatische Annotation auf Sahidisch-Koptisch. Fragmente eines Textes des Besa in der Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, Neapel, in: Journal of Kijutsuken, Descriptive Linguistics Study Group 10, 271–320.(japanese)
    • Miyagawa, S.(2017), Das Vokalsystem und die Lautwerte der verdoppelten Vokalgrapheme im Sahidisch Koptischen: Aufgrund der Manuskripte von Kanon 6 des Schenute von Atripe, eines Abtes des Weißen Klosters. Journalof Kijutsuken, Descriptive Linguistics Study Group 9, 173–188. (japanese)
    • Miyagawa, S. (2017), Koputo Ejiputogo Saido Hogen ni okeru Boin Taikei to Boinji no Chofuku no Onka: Shiro-Shudoincho Atoripe no Shenute ni yoru Dairoku Kanon no Shahon wo moto ni. Gengo Kijutsu Ronshu 9. (Das Vokalsystem und die Lautwerte der verdoppelten Vokalgrapheme im Sahidisch-Koptischen: Aufgrund der Manuskripte von Kanon 6 des Schenute von Atripe, ein Abt des Weißen Klosters. Zeitschrift für Deskriptive Sprachwissenschaft 9).
    • Delhez, J. (2016), "Qui étaient les crocodiles sacrés d'Égypte? Nouveau regard sur Hérodote, II, 68-70". In: Sylvie Peperstraete (ed.), Animal et religion (Problèmes d'histoire des religions, 26), Bruxelles, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 77-91.
  • associated: Early Rabbinic Hermeneutics: Methods and Development

    Jewish Studies
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Shlomo Naeh, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Jewish Thought

    Early Rabbinic Hermeneutics: Methods and Development

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D-37073 Göttingen

T +49 551 39-10859 or
T +49 551 39-10858