Research - D Discourses

Project Area D: Discourses

Conceptions and images of men, world and god were frequently constituted with recourse to other religious cultures: through interreligious or intrareligious discourses and by drawing on educational content that originated in non-religious contexts or different religious denominations. Such processes call for investigation with regard to occasions and mechanisms, including discursive constructions of alterity and identity. Aims and concepts of religions education were communicated among religions and at the same time transformed. Often, nonetheless, traces of origin remained identifiable and are therefore accessible to investigation. The continuing effects of Greco-Roman education in Judaism and Christianity can in this way be understood as a process of demarcation and transgression of boundaries that gathered momentum anew by the rise of Islam.

  • D 01 Religious Knowledge in Discourse: Cicero’s Dialogues on Philosophy of Religion

    Classical Philology
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlmann
    Research Fellow: Valeria Marchetti

    Religious Knowledge in Discourse: Cicero’s Dialogues on Philosophy of Religion

    Religion occupies a prominent place in Cicero’s educational program. Making it a central topic of several of his philosophical dialogues, Cicero establishes a link between philosophy and religion. This project’s main aim is to address the question of how arrangement of discourse and religious knowledge interact in Cicero’s works as well as the questions concerning his independence from his Greek precursors.

    Selected Publications

    • Kuhlmann, P. / V. Marchetti (2019, eds.),Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur, Tübingen.
    • Kuhlmann, P. (2019), Bildungskultur und Religion in der ausgehenden römischen Republik, in: Ders. / V. Marchetti (eds.),Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur, Tübingen.
    • Kuhlmann, P. (2016), Religion im griechisch-römischen Kulturraum, in AU, 59.2, 2-9.
    • Marchetti, V.(2019), Bildungsüberlegungen in Ciceros De natura deorumund De divinatione, in: P. Kuhlmann / dies. (eds.),Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur, Tübingen.
    • Marchetti, V.(2018), L’humanitasciceroniana e la scuola italiana oggi, in: A. F. Araújo / C. Martins / H. M. Carvalho / J. P. Serra / J. Magalhães (eds.), Paideia& Humanitas: formar e educar ontem e hoje / to form and educate yesterday and today, Lisboa, 547–560.
  • D 02 Religion in Educated Discourse: The Evangelist Luke and the Orator Dion of Prusa

    New Testament
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Feldmeier
    Research Fellows: Dr. Dr. Matthias Becker, Dr. Dr. Loïc Berge

    Religion in Educated Discourse: The Evangelist Luke and the Orator Dion of Prusa

    Like no other text of New Testament scriptures Luke-Acts demonstrates the endeavor of Early Christianity to impart its message to the educated circles of the Greco-Roman world. At the same time, rhetoric popularizes a philosophy which turns its attention more and more towards religious topics. Therefore, contemporary rhetoric and especially Dion as its most important representative in early imperial times lends itself to analyze the chances and limitations of Early Christian inculturation into the educated world of Later Antiquity.

    Selected Publications

    • Becker, M. (2019), A Template for Picturing Rivals? Paul’s Depictions of Opponents and the Elements of Anti-Sophistic Polemic, in: Biblische Notizen. Neue Folge.
    • Becker, M. (2019), Zwischen Gelehrsamkeit und Angleichung an Gott. Bildung in der spätantiken Philosophie, in: P. Gemeinhardt (ed.), Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne?, Tübingen.
    • Becker, M. (2019), Rhetoric, in: P. J. J. van Geest u.a. (eds.), The Brill Encyclopaedia of Early Christianity, Leiden.
    • Becker, M. (2019), Luke-Acts: Christianity, Patristics and Orthodox Churches, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 17.
    • Becker, M. (2018), Die Bedrohung der Polis. Hesiods “Werke und Tage” als Zeugnis literarischer Bedrohungskommunikation, Tübingen.
    • Becker, M. (2016), Der Vergleich des Lebens mit einem Gastmahl als Verhaltensanweisung. Lk 14,7–11 und 22,26–27 im Lichte von Texten Epiktets und Dions von Prusa, in: Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 107, 206–231.
    • Becker, M. (2017), Jesus als unfähiger Exorzist. Die Kritik des anonymen Griechen bei Makarios Magnes, Apokritikos 3,4, in: Wolfgang Grünstäudl, Markus Schiefer Ferrari, Judith Distelrath (eds.), Verzwecktes Heil? Studien zur Rezeption neutestamentlicher Heilungserzählungen (Biblical Tools and Studies vol. 30). Leuven, 117-141.
    • Becker, M. (2016), Bildung als Distinktionsmerkmal hellenischer Eliten im Osten um 400 n. Chr. Das Zeugnis der Kollektivbiographie des Eunapios, in: Carola Föller u. Fabian Schulz (eds.), Osten und Westen 400-600 n.Chr. Kommunikation, Kooperation und Konflikt, Stuttgart, 37-53.
    • Becker, M. (2016), Der Vergleich des Lebens mit einem Gastmahl als Verhaltensanweisung. Lk 14,7-11 und 22,26-27 im Lichte von Texten Epiktets und Dions von Prusa, Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 107, 206-231.
    • Berge, L. (2018), Théologie de la rédemption et éthique sexuelle. Unité et cohérence du ʻdéveloppementʼ 1 Co 5–7, in: New Testament Studies 64, 514–531.
    • Feldmeier, R. / H. Spieckermann (2018), Menschwerdung, Tübingen.
    • Feldmeier, R. / Winet  M. (eds.) (2016),Gottesgedanken. Erkenntnis, Eschatologie und Ethik in Religionen der Spätantike und des frühen Mittelalters, Tübingen.
    • Feldmeier, R. (2016), Geheiligt werde dein Name. Das Herrengebet im Kontext der paganen Gebetsliteratur, in Florian Wilk (ed.), Das Vaterunser in seinen antiken Kontexten. Zum Gedenken an E. Lohse, Göttingen, 25-81.
  • D 03 Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: The Muslim Moral Philosopher and Historian Miskawaih (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation

    Arabic /Islamic Studies
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther
    Research Fellows: Dr. Yassir El Jamouhi, Ali Rida Rizek, Enrico Boccaccini, Dr. Christian Mauder

    Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: The Muslim Moral Philosopher and Historian Miskawaih (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation

    This project analyzes the oeuvre of the classical Muslim scholar Miskawaih from two perspectives. On the one hand, it examines how the ideas of ancient pagan and early Jewish, Christian and Muslim authorities on ethics and education were received, adapted, and re-contextualized by Miskawaih from the standpoint of his own views on God, humanity, and the world. On the other hand, it studies Miskawaih’s use of discourse in communicating his own key ideas concerning ethics and education, and shows how these teachings were received and further developed by later Muslim scholars.

    Selected Publications

    • El Jamouhi, Y. (2019), Säkulares Denken in der klassischen Zeit des Islams? Eine Fallstudie zur Rezeption von Brysons Oikonomikos bei Miskawayh, in: S. Günther / Y. El Jamouhi (eds.), Islamic Ethics as Educational Discourse: Thought & Impact of the Classical Muslim Thinker Miskawayh (d. 1030), Tübingen.
    • El Jamouhi, Y. (2019),Die Rezeption der Unsterblichkeitslehre des Aristoteles in Miskawaihs Tahḏīb al-Aḫlāq, in: A. Pellitteri u.a. (eds.), Re-defining a Space of Encounter: Islam and Mediterranean: Identity, Alterity and Interactions, Leuven, 449–459.
    • El Jamouhi, Y. (2019),Educational Discourse in Classical Islam: A Case Study of Miskawayh’s Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq, in: S. Günther (ed.), Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam, Leiden.
    • Günther, S. (2019), There is nothing like Baghdad, worldly-wise and religious, despite Time's Transition: Knowledge and Learning in Baghdad's Golden Age (8th–13thCentury), in: J. Scheiner / I. Toral-Niehoff (eds.), Baghdad: The City of Knowledge, Tübingen.
    • Günther, S. (2019),„Wissen ist besser als materieller Besitz“. Grundsätze und Grenzen der Bildung im Klassischen Islam, in: P. Gemeinhardt (ed.), Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne?, Tübingen.
    • Günther, S. (2018), „Nur Wissen, das durch Lehre lebendig wird, sichert den Eingang ins Paradies.“ Die Madrasa als höhere Bildungseinrichtung im mittelalterlichen Islam, in: P. Gemeinhardt / I. Tanaseanu-Döbler (eds.), „Das Paradies ist ein Hörsaal für die Seelen“. Institutionen religiöser Bildung in historischer Perspektive, Tübingen, 237–270.
    • Günther, S. (2016), Education, general (up to 1500), in: The Encyclopaedia of Islam – Three (
    • Günther, S. (2016), Bildungsauffassungen klassischer muslimischer Gelehrter: Von Abu Hanifa bis Ibn Khaldun (8.-15. Jh.), in Sejdini, Z. (ed.), Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik in Bewegung: Neue Ansätze in Europa, Bielefeld, 51-71.
    • Günther, S. (2016), Bildung und Ethik, in Brunner, R. (ed.), Islam. Einheit und Vielfalt einer Weltreligion, Stuttgart, 210-236.
    • Günther, S. (2016), "Your Educational Achievements Shall Not Stop Your Efforts to Seek Beyond": Principles of Teaching and Learning in Classical Arabic Writings, in Memon, N.A.; Zaman, M. (eds.), Philosophies of Islamic Education. Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses, London, 72-93.
  • D 05 Profiling Religious Identity in Learned Discourses. The Role of Education in References of 12th-century Christian Authors to Jews and Muslims

    Church History
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Tobias Georges
    Research Fellow: Malte Rumkamp

    Profiling Religious Identity in Learned Discourses. The Role of Education in References of 12th-century Christian Authors to Jews and Muslims

    There are numerous writings from the 12th century in which western Christians refer to Jews and Muslims, often in the literary form of a dialogue. The topic of ‘education’ is often explored in that context. Starting from selected authors and their writings (Petrus Alfonsi: Dialogus; Petrus Venerabilis: Contra sectam Sarracenorum, Adversus Iudaeorum inveteratam duritiem; Petrus Abaelardus: Collationes), this sub-project will, in an exemplary manner, study what function education had in such references to Jews and Muslims.

    Selected Publications

    • Georges, T. / Gemeinhardt, P. (2018), Vom philosophischen Schulbetrieb zum kirchlichen Katechumenat. Institutionalisierungen religiöser Bildung im spätantiken Christentum, in: P. Gemeinhardt / I. Tanaseanu-Döbler (eds.), „Das Paradies ist ein Hörsaal für die Seelen.“ Institutionen religiöser Bildung in historischer Perspektive, Göttingen, 153–175.
    • Georges, T. (2017), The Apophthegmata Patrum in the context of the occidental reformation of monastic life during the 11th and 12th centuries. The case of Peter Abelard, in Studia Patristica, 76.
    • Georges, T. (2017), Ethik in der Zeit der Frühscholastik - Zwerge auf den Schultern des Riesen Augustin, in Müller, A.; Wriedt, M. (eds.), Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie, Sektion Kirchengeschichte, Leipzig.
    • Georges, T. (2016), "Summus Christianorum philosophorum" ? Origen as Christian philosopher in Peter Abelard, in Jacobsen, A-Ch. (ed.), Origeniana undecima: Origen and Origenism in the History of Western Thought, Leuven 2016, 431-40.

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