Members - Dr. Dr. Loic Berge

Dr. Dr. Loic Berge

Main research areas

  • Text-centered exegesis of the Pauline epistles
  • Sexual ethics of the New Testament
  • Theology and anthropology in the Iliad and Odyssey. Images of gods and humans in archaic times
  • Greek tragedy
  • Antique epistolary literature
  • The "roman réaliste" in French and German 19th century literature (Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, Maupassant; Storm, Fontane)

Academic career

  • 10/2017-06/2019 academic research assistant in the Collaborative Research Centre 1136 Education and Religion, sub-project B 02: Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters
  • 03/2016-06/2017 research fellow in the Collaborative Research Centre 1136 Education and Religion, sub-project D 02: Religion in Educated Discourse: The Evangelist Luke and the Orator Dion of Prusa (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Feldmeier); research project "Sexualethik in den Paulusbriefen im Kontext der hellenistischen Bildungsdiskurse: 1 Kor 5-7 und der Stoiker Musonius Rufus"
  • 2006-2012 doctoral program  "Langues, Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens"; member of the research center "Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques" (HiSoMA) at "Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée" (MOM) (Université Lumière Lyon II)
  • 2006-2012 doctoral program in Theology, emphasis: exegesis of the New Testament" (Université Catholique de Lyon)

Academic degrees

  • 06/2012 doctorate in "Langues, Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens", Université Lumière Lyon II (doctoral thesis: Der Gebrauch der 1. Person Plural in der griechischen Literatur)
  • 06/2012 doctorate in "Théologie, Exégèse du Nouveau Testament", Université Catholique de Lyon (doctoral thesis: Stilistische, rhetorische und theologische Analyse der Argumentation des 2. Korintherbriefs, Kap. 10-13)
  • 06/2006 Master of Theology, UCLy, Lyon
  • 06/2000 Certificat d'hébreu biblique, SIDIC, Paris
  • 06/1997 Licence de Lettres Classiques, Sorbonne, Paris
  • Juni 1985: admission to the École Centrale Paris
  • 1983-1985 : four semesters studies in Mathematics/Physics (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs), Lycée Privé Sainte Geneviève, Versailles


  • European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS)


Contact details

Dr. phil. Dr. theol. Loic P. M. Berge