Members - Laura Schimmelpfennig

Laura Schimmelpfennig

Main research areas

  • Psalms and their reception in Qumran
  • Literary and theological history of the Old Testament

Academic career

  • Since 04/2019 research assistant at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Institute of Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
  • 10/2015-06/2019 research fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre 1136, sub-project B 01: Scriptural Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran)
  • 2010-2015 undergraduate research assistant at the Department for Old Testament, chair of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kratz
  • 2009-2015 studies in Protestant Theology (ministry) at Georg-August-University Göttingen

Academic degrees

  • 2015 first theological examination (Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover) / diploma Protestant Theology


  • European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS)
  • Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)